Professional training for local community development

GRADO, in partenership with Ana International SRL and Domus Management Invest SRL will implement, during April 2014 – October 2015, the project „Professional qualification for local community development”.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund, through  Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development  2007 – 2013, Priority axis 2: “Linking lifelong learning and labor market”, Major intervention domain  2.3 “ Access and participation to continuing vocational training”.

Project’s General objective 

To form human capital necessary for the development of local communities, by providing access to continuous professional training for 700 employees (unskilled or low-skilled), in 6 communities (as a result of the economic downturn, the demand for coverage of safety and protection needs of community members is increased). The project proposes an integrated approach, targeting areas affected by the economic recession, areas that directly affect the welfare of local communities: education, health-care, community safety, housing, income levels achieved through the work of community members.

Integrated approach to these areas contribute to increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the intervention by the fact that the level of qualifications in areas directly related to the needs of the community increases the chances for trainees to engage in decent work. The integration in a work activity (which takes place in decent conditions, is productive, recognized as useful and appreciated in the community, offering good prospects for professional development and social integration) contributes to raising income for all community members, and also raises their satisfaction relative to the perceived level of well-being.

Project’s specific objectives 

  • Facilitating access for employees to continuous professional training  through information activities and consultations for employees and employers (which supports the 700 members of the target group to chose and access training programs).
  • Increasing the level and diversifying the qualification for unskilled or low-skilled employees through training dedicated to 700 persons, professional training which offer professional competencies improvement, in order to maintain and integrated on labor market (decent, useful, appreciated and properly remunerated work).

Through an information campaign performed in all 6 locations concerned, and in consultation with employees and employers, we aim to recruit participants to attend FREE training classes which will take place within this project:

  • caretaker for the elderly- COR 532201, 1st level of qualification, 112 persons
  • sick people caretaker – COR 532202, 2nd level of qualification, 112 persons
  • baby sitter – COR 531103, 1st level of qualification, 112 persons
  • child carer – COR 531101, 1st level of qualification, 112 persons
  • security agent – COR 541401, 1st level of qualification, 112 persons
  • insulating glass confectioner – COR 712408, 2nd level of qualification, 140 persons

We encourage employers’ involvement in organizing, developing and briefing the employees the details of this project, as well as the certification of competences acquired in non-formal and continuous professional training programs. Thus, through partnership agreements between employers and the project management, the access of the employees to certify competences will be facilitated.

Graduation certificates are issued by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons and the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports.

All programs are accredited by NCA – National Qualifications Authority.

Each participant (which completes our courses) will receive a grant.

ATTENTION ! Subsidies granted to employees are conditioned by the certification.

FREE training for employees in Bucharest and five counties in Romania

GRADO – Romanian Group for Human Rights Defence is implementing the project Professional qualifications for local communities development. The main activity consists in the development of six continue training programs to train employees in the following fields: of caretaker for the elderly, sickpeople maid at home, baby sitter, housekeeper, security guard and insulating glass confectioner. […]

Meetings with employers

In the past 3 months, Romanian Group for Human Rights Defence – GRADO organized in Bucharest, Giurgiu, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Timisoara, Constanta and Ploiesti information seminars for employers. Meetings were held within the project Professional qualifications for local community development, implemented by GRADO in partnership with Ana  International and Domus Invest SRL. Their purpose was […]

Conference to launch the project Professional qualification for local community development

The conference to launch the project  “Professional Qualification for local community development” that Romanian Group for Human Rights Defence – GRADO develops in partnership with Ana International SRL and Domus Management Invest SRL took place on Thursday, June 19, 2014, at Hotel Rin Central. The reunion was attended by representatives of NGOs, municipalities directions of […]