Entries by Editor

Citizens in action!

In January, 26-30 2015, civil society groups from Romania & Hungary, part of the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS), was welcomed by the Council of Europe Union. The ECAS is an international non-profit organization, based in Brussels, with a pan-European membership. It provides services to a network of about 150 civil society organizations and citizens […]


Ana International SRL, partener in proiectul cu finantare europeana “Calificare profesionala pentru dezvoltarea comunitatilor locale”, lanseaza procedura de selectie a operatorilor pentru Servicii de evaluare si certificare competente. Cele 2 loturi vizeaza domeniile: Ingrijitoare batrani la domiciliu – cod COR 532201 si Ingrijitoare bolnavi la domiciliu – cod COR 532202. Bugetul fiecarui contract este de 54.193,55 lei. Data […]

2014 – Study on domestic violence

The present work represents the second study related to the implementation of the Law 217/2003, articles 23-35 (regarding the protection order), to prevent and fight domestic violence, re-published in 2014. The study was ellaborated within the  Network to prevent and fight violence against women. Data collected by: Transcena Association: Marcel COSTEA/ Gina DESPA GRADO: Petruta CHIFORIUC Data analysis and editing: Transcena […]

STUDY: The costs for domestic violence

The study was conducted within the project “Protection Order – advocacy campaign and legal assistance“, at Transcena Association, GRADO Association, Curriculum development and gender studies initiative centre Association – FILIA. Study: domestic violence costs

GRADO celebrates 20 years of activity

GRADO (Romanian Group for Defence of Human Rights) is a non-governmental organization established in the early years after the Romanian Revolution, in a landscape in which the idea of reform of society started to develop outside the sphere of state’s exclusive intervention. Since 1994, GRADO advocated for human rights respect in Romania, for the implementation […]

Training session from the National Association for Citizens Advice

Between December 10 -12 , 2014 took place in Bucharest the final workshop within the project “Participation at 3rd Power” developed by the National Association for Citizens Advice Bureaus. The central theme of the reunion was related to participatory budgeting, contracts and financing alternative community in the context of community organization. Also, took place the following […]

National Study regarding the protection order implementation

Monday, December 8 2014, was presented at Rin Grand Hotel the National study regarding the protection order implementation – Law 217/2003 to prevent and fight domestic violence, republished – 2014.  Data were collected from police departments in the country, parquet, courthouses, unique number 112 and then centralized, analyzed, separated and interpreted. They are joined in the […]

Debates with students regarding violence against women

Within the international campaign ”16 days of activism to fight violence against women”, The network to prevent and fight for violence against women organized debates in universities which train specialist for domains correlated with the work related to women victims of violence. The reunions took place at the Law Faculty ( Hyperion University), Political Sciences […]

Network for preventing and combating violence against women

Network for preventing and combating violence against women is an informal structure, without legal personality, which brings together a total of 15 organizations active in promoting women’s rights, the protection of victims of gender violence and the fight against discrimination based on gender. The network aims to introduce emergency protective order, to advocate and harmonize legislation, to […]